Scholarship to study in Canada

Canada is classified in the foreground for its quality of life based on the successes in the field of education, the expectancy of life and the national revenue. Each year, the colleges and the Canadian universities accomodate thousands of foreign students registered mainly in universities equipped with a large variety of programs and English or French course transmitted depend on the selected establishment.

The Canadian educational system is regulated by the ministers of education of each province and territories. It there not of national minister of education nor of formal system of accreditation as in certain countries. Each establishment establishes its own standards, but adhesion with the association of the universities and colleges of Canada, compound to the charter granted by the provincial government to the establishment, is generally to regard as an equivalent with the accreditation both in Canada and abroad.

It is differently for the vocational schools like those of right, of care male nurse, doctors and geniuses, which must subscribe to standards of rigorous accreditation managed by an order professional in their fields of speciality.

To know more about opportunities of scholarship in Canada, talk directly with the organizations, universities and foundations registers in our repertory of addresses (see the guide” Study Abroad “. If you did not buy your guide yet” Study Abroad “, made now because it will be very beneficial for you; you could see the organizations and foundations which will be able to help you to obtain your scholarship.

In the book " Study abroad ", you will have all informations to get scholarships. It contains a lot of scholarships offers. To know the scholarships opportunities  offered by NGO (NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION) and Foundations, buy your book " Study abroad ".

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