If you have no source of funding or a scholarship, you can buy our guide " Study abroad " to know the bodies which can help you to obtain a scholarship to study free of charge in one of Italian universities.
All international students are entitled to the same student assistance services as Italian students, on basis of the same requisites of financial means and/or merit. This applies to scholarships, student loans, housing assistance, refectory meal tickets and fee waivers.
These services are managed by the DSU office (Diritto allo studio universitario).
Alongside scholarship and financial aid information, DSU offices will also provide other services such as counselling and information on extra curricular activities, sport, transport and other practical matters.
You should contact the office at the university where you plan to study to find out what services are available to you.
These services are managed by the DSU office (Diritto allo studio universitario).
Alongside scholarship and financial aid information, DSU offices will also provide other services such as counselling and information on extra curricular activities, sport, transport and other practical matters.
You should contact the office at the university where you plan to study to find out what services are available to you.
Why study in Italy?
Italy is known to the world for the historical city Rome - the churches and the Pope. Of course the world famous Pizzas and Pastas and cheesy cuisine, Italy is now being well known for the education system and foreign students seeking admissions in them.
The courses most sought after are art and design, cooking, fashion or language courses.
Studying in Italy gives students access to some of the most influential art, architecture, and history in the world. Italian universities and institutions are affiliated to many US universities and colleges.
There are very renowned programs in hotel and catering, languages, social sciences, humanities, legal studies, politics and international affairs. The Bologna process of education is from Italy. Italy houses world famous universities.
The weather is good and people are warm. The living environment is safe and international students are welcomed.
"Borsa di studio":
SCUOLA LEONARDO DA VINCI awards 40 school or university students scholarships ("Borse di Studio") entitling them to a 100 percent reduction in the cost of a four-week standard course, not including accommodation. If you wish to apply for one of our scholarships, you are requested to submit an application and registration form to the closest Italian Embassy, Consulate or Culture Institute, enclosing a reference from your Italian teacher, and stating the precise name and address of your school/university, and of the teacher concerned.
"Assegno di studio":
SCUOLA LEONARDO DA VINCI awards 40 school or university Study Discounts ("Assegno di Studio") entitling them to a partial reduction in the cost of a two-week or a four-week standard course, not including accommodation. If you wish to apply for one of our Study Discounts, you are requested to submit an application and registration form directly to Scuola Leonardo da Vinci through the Italian Department of your University, enclosing a reference from your Italian teacher, and stating the precise name and address of your school/university, and of the teacher concerned.
You can apply for a scholarship granted by the Italian government: Every year the Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants foreign citizens, as well as Italian citizens permanently residing abroad, scholarships for Italian language and culture courses.
Information on deadlines to apply for scholarships as well as regulations and application forms can be obtained in our book.
Italy has many leisure activities for students on weekends. There is history and heritage to explore. There are many lounge bars for pastas and wine lovers. Shopping for attire, accessories of world famous designs and availing student discounts on the same is an opportunity that one should not miss.
In the book " Study abroad ", you will have all informations to get scholarships. It contains a lot of scholarships offers. To know the scholarships opportunities offered by NGO (NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION) and Foundations, buy your book " Study abroad ".
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