The amount of money paid out through a scholarship is usually calculated to cover normal living expenses. Even if the sum may at first appear high to someone living outside of Germany, you shouldn't forget that the cost of living is high in Germany, and it's very likely that there won't be a lot of money left at the end of the month. Also, if the person receiving the scholarship takes on a part time job they have to report this to the organization providing the scholarship. And that organization will then usually subtract the amount earned from the grant.
Types of scholarships:
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung awards
The amount of money paid out through a scholarship is usually calculated to cover normal living expenses. Even if the sum may at first appear high to someone living outside of Germany, you shouldn't forget that the cost of living is high in Germany, and it's very likely that there won't be a lot of money left at the end of the month. Also, if the person receiving the scholarship takes on a part time job they have to report this to the organization providing the scholarship. And that organization will then usually subtract the amount earned from the grant.
- Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship
In its graduate and post-graduate programmes theFES supports students and academics with outstanding qualifi cations from Germany and abroad for whom an academic education is not only a first step in their professional career but expresses their commitment to democracy, the State and society. In its supplementary seminar programme the FES aims at building bridges between science and its practical application and at creating a better understanding about the purpose and the nature of democracy and social policy.
- Hans Böckler Foundation Scholarship
As the second-largest scholarship fund in Germany, we provide scholarships to almost two thousand people every year. And this means more than a monthly grant: we also offer non-material assistance, for example seminars andpractical work placements as well as supporting periods abroad. Some 300 lecturers, who co-operate regularly with the Foundation, provide support and advice to our scholarship students in universities.
- DAAD Scholarship
DAAD offers a wide range of opportunities to students, scholars, and higher education institutions of the United States and Canada, from undergraduate students to faculty, for study and research in Germany...
A young soprano at a language course in Stuttgart, improving her depth of language understanding for singing opera.
Recent college graduates furthering their studies in Berlin during the year after finishing their bachelor degrees.
A professor leading a group of engineering students on a tour of Bavaria's technology parks.
The selection process for awarding DAAD scholarships is based on the principle of academic self-government. Funding decisions for DAAD programmes are generally made by independent academic Selection Committees. These play a central role in the work of the DAAD. The DAAD would like to thank everybody who meets an applicant's request for a report to accompany their DAAD scholarship application. These reports, along with certificates documenting the applicant's academic achievements and the applicant's description of the study or research project, form an important decision-making basis for the Selection Committee's scholarship award recommendation
The funds for these scholarships are provided by the Federal Ministry for Economics Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Due to the limited number of DAAD scholarships for its courses, not all applicants accepted for studies by the German universities can be supported. Therefore, institutions are also encouraged to nominate candidates, whose studies they are willing to finance out of their staff development budget. In this case, an accompanying letter with according statements is necessary for the applicant.
The DAAD supports these selected programmes with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programmes run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.
Target group: Professionals holding an academic degree and with at least two years of experience in the public or private sector in technical, economical, or agricultural fields, in education or development planning.
Language of instruction : German or English, depending on the degree course.
Application conditions:
- Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
- Academic degree (min IPK 2,75 for Master candidates and 3,00 for Doctoral candidates) and at least two years of professional experience after completing S1 degree.
- Confirmation of employment from the candidate‘s employer in the home country and where possible a guarantee of re-employment upon his/her return to the home country
- Two letters of recommendation of recent date
- A statement of motivation for participation in the postgraduate course with emphasis on the relevance to his/her occupation (1-2 pages)
For postgraduate courses held in English: International TOEFL-Language test of a minimum of 550 points (course at FHTW Berlin 580 points) or IELTS-Test Volume 6.0.
Closing date for applications is 4th September 2008 at the DAAD Jakarta Office
Course Commence: September/October of the following year (preceeding German-language course from April or August).
Course Duration: 12 to 36 months, depending on the postgraduate course (see annex).
Special Remarks:
- Participants in postgraduate courses in which English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a two-month intensive German language course.
- Participants in postgraduate courses in which German or German/English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a six-month intensive German language course. Please note that the candidates must have certain German language certificate at the time of application.
In the book " Study abroad ", you will have all informations to get scholarships. It contains a lot of scholarships offers. To know the scholarships opportunities offered by NGO (NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION) and Foundations, buy your book " Study abroad ".
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