Scholarship to study in Japan

The Japanese university system

The "academic" studies are cut in three cycles of 4, 3 and 2 years, corresponding roughly speaking to the Bachelor's degree, to the Master's degree then to the doctorate in France, even if this correspondence is rough and what, at the end of account, will play will be the number years which you will have study for the equivalences in the direction France Japan (for the French systems, even though it is possible "to use trickery" in certain cases).

The academic year begins in April and ends in February / March, and is cut in two half-years (academic and in October March). The end of every half-year is marked by the period of the examinations, during which quite a lot of  Japanese students puts itself in the cramming.

The first cycle of 4 years, " undergraduate " in English corresponds to the first two French university cycles (DEUG+Licence+MaƮtrise before re-forms it, License (Bachelor's degree) + later re-forms it, but the correspondence is not exact because the license (Bachelor's degree) is made in three years. Contrary to the French system, the students have to choose a rather sharp discipline from the beginning (or in second years in some prestigious universities which leave the first year to the students to choose their future specialization). The first three years take place in a classic way: cours + examens. The fourth year adds to this plan a fastening with a "laboratory" (unit of research) supervised by a professor. It gives rise to the writing of a "thesis ( ronbun )" which will be taken into account for the obtaining (or not) by their diploma.

A lot of companies recruit their students at this level, preferring to train them by themselves that to recruit students at a level studies more advance. The recruitment is generally made April preceding year by the obtaining of the diploma; hanging a few months, the students are going to visit diverse companies which interest them, take examinations and interviews before, possibly, to obtain a " promise of hiring " from the company under reserve, obviously, of the obtaining of their diploma next year. In this way, the students will pass automatically and without cut of the world of the university to the world of the work, given that companies begin the training of their news grown again in April. 

The second cycle ( syuusi ) lasts two additional years, corresponding roughly to the former Post-graduate diploma and to the new Master's degree. These two years involve work in a laboratory and writing, in the new of a thesis with courses. If for numerous domains the syuusi is not absolutely necessary to obtain an employment, there are some subjects in which this additional diploma can allow to have a "faster" career.

The third cycle (hakka or hakusi) lasts three years, and is sanctioned by a doctorate. As well as in France, the doctorate is a diploma which opens the door of the jobs by the research and by the education in the higher education. It is a question of leading, always in a laboratory, a big research work giving rise to diverse publications, while drafting a thesis which will be the major element of the appreciation of the jury of doctorate. It is to note that there are in Japan two forms of doctorate: the first one, the "paper" doctorate, contains no part of education, the only obligation of the candidates being to write a thesis and to publish certain number of articles. This shape of doctorate is considered as the most difficult both, and concerns more easily employees of companies who publish within the framework of their work. The second shape of doctorate is the "standard" shape which concerns more generally the students coming to end their syuusi: it involves writing.

The doctorate is almost automatically tuned to the pupils having finished the writing of their thesis, the Japanese universities are stricter in this student not insignificant domain and a percentage never obtain their doctorate. If you have not bought your guide yet " Study Abroad ", made it now because It will be very beneficial to you; you could see the bodies and the foundation which can help you to obtain your scholarship.

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