Scholarship to study in Korea

Korea have excellent universities and his language is easier to master than those of these neighbors. A very good choice to study. This following information is as a rough guide. To insure you steps to make and to know the organisms which can help you to get scholarship to study in Korean, you have to buy the book  " study abroad ".

The  financial status as the school excellence of the students will be directly examined by the university rather than by the Korean service of immigration .Documents required(demanded) for the admission are:

- Request form
- Curriculum vitae
- Plan of studies
- Diploma of superior or secondary education
- A letter of recommendation
- Notes obtained in the TOEFL or Certificate of skill in Korean language and certificate of financial position 

Every accepted candidate will receive a letter of admission which will be enough for him to obtain student's visa for any Korean consulate. He can make the request of student's visa of 90 days to enter Korea, and can be prolonged after the arrival in Korea. The requests of student's visa to stay for long time will be treat in Seoul and sets more time. You should not ask for tourist's visa. This one is much easier to obtain, but the status of visa cannot be any more changed unless you left the country and make a request in an embassy or in a Korean consulate, the procedure sets normally one-two months.

When you request a visa, it is better to ask for the multiple entrance rather than for the simple entrance, to be able to travel more easily towards other countries and towards your country of origin (in case of emergency) without having to ask for a new visa. The foreigners who are already in Korea wanting to study in a Korean university can obtain a permission to study as secondary activity with the Korean service of immigration.
There are three types of scholarships for the foreign students.

University scholarship

This scholarship is given to the students onto the criterion of the school excellence. Its amount varies according to the student file of the student.

Scholarships of the Korean government

The Ministry of Education offers a program of scholarships for the students foreigners
 coming from countries having signed a bilateral agreement. To obtain more information. Consult our book " Study abroad "

Scholarships of  Publics and Privates Foundations

- Korean foundation
- Korean agency of international cooperation
- Cultural foundation of the price for the peace of Seoul
- Fulbright

In the book " Study abroad ", you will have all informations to get scholarships. It contains a lot of scholarships offers. To know the scholarships opportunities  offered by NGO (NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION) and Foundations, buy your book " Study abroad ".

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